This was me at 16 weeks and 4 days. I am now 17 weeks and 3 days. I have not yet gained any weight. I have gained 3 pounds out of the 6 that I have lost. But I am sure that is going to change now that I have an appetite and a pretty big one at that. I still get sick when I first get up in the mornings sometimes but not all the time. I am feeling a lot better now. I have also got to feel her move. 2 nights ago, we were in bed and Preston was already asleep and of course I was still up trying to find a comfortable position. As I was laying there I finally felt her. It wasn't butterflies or anything. It was strong enough for me to know that it was her. I felt her 3 times and then she stopped. I haven't felt her since but I am excited to. I am more excited about when she gets strong enough that Preston can feel her which will probably not be for another few weeks.