So, Ezri is now 1 day shy of being 4 weeks old! And I am just now finding a few minutes to update the blog. Ezri was born on June 12th at 10:35 am and weighed 6 lbs and 7 oz. She was 19 inches long and had a head full of hair. The delivery was great and easy. A lot of people have been waiting for pictures so the next few days I will be posting quite a few pictures. In just a few days she will be 1 month old so there will some 1 month old pictures posted! Hope everyone enjoys!
Ezri when she was first born
Daddy and Ezri
Ezri in her outfit at the hospital.
Uncle Ross, Aunt Katie, and her cousin Leah Grace. One of the few pictures, possibly the only picture, of Uncle Ross holding her!
Our cousins Susan and Kayla came to visit!